Can you believe that another year is coming to an end? It’s time to reflect and look forward to a new year.
I’ve often said that my first few days of hypnosis training taught me everything I need to know about how to hypnotize. Everything else that I’ve learned since then relates to what to say after my clients are hypnotized. That’s what I’ve spent the past two decades of my life thinking about.
There are two standout ideas that I started speaking aloud in 2024 and that I think are worth sharing here:
First, if we are progressing in our personal and professional development, at some point we will reach “the edge of knowledge.” The law partner who accepts only the hardest cases, the professor who’s doing cutting-edge research and the businesswoman who doesn’t know whether her plan will work share similar problems stemming from the fact that they must use their own judgement to determine if they’re on the right track. In other words, there isn’t a single person on the planet who can tell them they’re doing great. This is supposed to happen. It’s a sign of success, not that you are an impostor.
Second, we can have the pleasure of caring for others, or the pleasure of being cared for by others, but only self-care gives us the dual pleasure of caring for an entire human being who’s dependent on us, simultaneous with being cared for by somebody who’s supremely competent at the job. If you aren’t practising self-care, you’re depriving yourself on both fronts.
These ideas both relate to how we can do adulthood excellently, which is a topic that I will continue to reflect on in the new year and beyond.
Two updates on the commercial front
My private clients will always hear my newest ideas first, followed by visitors to my shared hypnosis sessions, before the ideas finally make it into this blog, the How to Be an Adult podcast and our YouTube channel. If you like the ideas I’m sharing publicly, we are introducing two new ways to engage in private:
Coinciding with a new schedule of shared hypnosis sessions that help you move up Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, in 2025 we will be livestreaming all of our shared hypnosis sessions to our members who can’t easily come to our space in downtown Toronto. I had resisted livestreaming my classes for over two years, but I have finally capitulated to technology. You can sign up using Vagaro.
We are also bringing back flat-rate pricing for smoking cessation. $997 (plus HST) gets you as many private sessions as you need to become and remain a non-smoker or non-vaper, to a maximum of five sessions over 12 months. Most of my clients stop smoking after two sessions, but this way, you don’t have to worry about the possibility of being a tough case. If you know anybody who’s resolved to stop smoking in 2025, send them my way and I’ll help them return back to their nature.
Happy new year!

Luke founded The Morpheus Clinic for Hypnosis in 2006 after receiving an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto. His approach is client- and solution-focused, brief and humanistic. You can learn more about his life philosophy through the social media links below.