Here’s where I can finally answer your most personal and specific questions. Complete the form below, and I will start thinking of solutions to your problems. In 72 hours or less, we will e-mail you a written treatment plan that describes:

Sample Treatment Plan for Procrastination

Sample treatment plan for procrastination (click to read).

  • My understanding of your situation — to make sure that we’re on the same page.
  • How hypnosis works — a brief recap of the framework.
  • My proposed plan — a list of principles or perspectives to instill through hypnosis that takes into consideration your needs and goals, along with my best estimate of how long it will take.
  • Pricing — based on the plan and my estimate.

This plan is your final step to making an informed decision, and having it in writing means that you can think it over or even show it to your partner, therapist or other trusted advisor. The more information that you provide below, the better I can design a solution that meets your needs. There is no obligation to proceed with paid sessions after receiving your plan, but a simple yes or no is always appreciated.

If your issue is of a very sensitive nature, you can call us to provide your answers, or schedule an in-office consultation, instead of using this form. If you have any questions at all, you can call us at 416-556-4068 (1-888-HYPNO-24 outside of Toronto), and we would be happy to help.

I look forward to solving your personal problems.

Best regards,

Luke Chao
Founder, The Morpheus Clinic for Hypnosis

To Request a Free Treatment Plan, Please Fill in These Details

    Who is this treatment plan for?

    How far apart were your hands (vertically) after the suggestibility exercise? Choose the last option if you haven't done it yet:

    Please do this quick suggestibility exercise. It provides essential information for us to estimate a number of sessions for you:

    Please note: Your friend or adult family member needs to make the decision to seek hypnosis on their own volition. They still need to respond to this suggestibility exercise before we can predict that hypnosis will work for them, and our treatment plan won't be useful unless the answers that you submit are theirs. It's best to ask them to submit this form themselves.

    Please note: Children are usually easier to hypnotize, but they need to be a willing participant in the process, and we still recommend that they complete a suggestibility exercise. We can usually help clients who are above the age of ten.

    Please describe the specific problem(s) you want to solve using hypnosis (required):

    What kind of results or ideal outcomes do you want to achieve using hypnosis?

    How long have you had this problem, and do you know where it comes from?

    What are the biggest challenges you are facing to reaching your goals?

    What's most important to you about making these changes?

    If you've already tried anything to solve the problem(s) you described, please describe what happened:

    Please describe any constraints due to budget, schedule or location (most of our plans range from $800 to $2000 Canadian Dollars; lower budgets may not have a reasonable prospect of success):

    Is there anything that worries you about proceeding with hypnosis?



    If our questions missed anything that you want to share with us, or if you have any questions for us, please enter them here:

    If you want to schedule a tentative session while you're waiting for your treatment plan, please let us know some dates and times you're available:

    Which practitioner do you prefer to work with?

    Your name (required):

    Your e-mail (required)

    Daytime phone number (required):

    How did you first hear about us?

    Privacy Notice: We will only contact you for reasons related to your request to become our client. The information that you have provided will not be shared with third parties. This is a secure, SSL-encrypted form.