Our clients seldomly write about their experiences on review sites like Google and Yelp, because hypnotherapy is a private matter and most of these sites require their identities to be public—an unthinkable proposition for most of our clientele. At the same time, we’ve served many clients over the years, and our name often comes up when you ask knowledgeable friends or trusted professionals to recommend a hypnotherapist in Toronto.
As part of our followup process, we solicit feedback so that we can improve our future treatment plans. Occasionally, a client allows us to publish their story on this page, where we’ve initialized or anonymized their names according to their preferences. This lets you read about their experiences, in their own words, without compromising the privacy that our clients rightly expect.
These success stories are shared by a small fraction of our happiest clients. Due to the subjective nature of hypnotherapy and the reality that you are a unique individual, your results could be different. Some reviews have been edited for spelling and punctuation.
I met with Luke Chao almost 2 years ago at his clinic. I must admit at first I was somewhat skeptical that Luke could help me with my intense claustrophobia. Over the course of the treatments I began to feel an improvement in my symptoms but that was just the beginning. I have been a claustrophobic person for most of my life however the problem became much worse for me as I began to age. I especially had a deeply rooted fear of riding on elevators and getting on airplanes and subways. The problem became so severe that I chose not to travel by airplane or subways for well over 8 years. I also was very fearful of going into tall buildings knowing that I would be required to take an elevator and would take the stairs up for as many flights as I needed to go, in some cases I'd walk up 30 floors if it meant that I did not have to ride on an elevator. It became clear to me that I had become a slave to my claustrophobia and it only seemed to be getting worse the more that I worried about it. One day a friend told me about hypnotherapy and that it had helped them with their own issue which was different than mine. I went online and discovered Luke Chao and the Morpheus Clinic. I immediately got in touch with the clinic and booked a consultation. As a result of the consultation with Luke I booked a 5 session package with him and decided to give it a go. I found the sessions were very relaxing and informative and really appreciated Luke's good energy and kindness. Over the course of treatment I began to feel my mind begin to change about things like riding elevators and getting on airplanes and even riding on subways. After my treatment was complete I would get myself into these situations that I used to avoid at all costs. I would go to a place in my mind where I could hear Luke's voice reassuring me that I was going to be ok and that the scary thoughts that I used to have were merely a figment of my imagination. I would then feel a sense of calm come over me and I could tell myself that things were going to be ok and that there was nothing to fear. I am extremely happy to say that over the past couple of years I have taken many elevator rides, I began to travel again taking multiple flights and even began to ride the subways in NYC and Toronto without a feeling of dread and fear. I am so glad that I found Luke and The Morpheus Clinic and truly believe the experience of hypnotherapy gave me back my life and allowed me to become a much happier person as well in that I was no longer having any dark thoughts about what if this or that happens to me rather I am now able to stay calm and just enjoy my surroundings. I highly recommend The Morpheus Clinic to anyone who is needlessly suffering from a debilitating phobia. It has allowed me to begin living a quality lifestyle and brought me to the mindset that we as human beings have the ability with some professional guidance to reclaim our happiness and a sense of calm that enables us to go through life with a much more meaningful and significantly better quality of life.*A sense of calm that enables us to go through life with a much more meaningful and significantly better quality of life— Will Kinsch
My experience: I approached Morpheus Clinic with a case of stubborn insomnia — it was more about the fear of sleep rather than actually getting bad sleep--in some ways, worse, since I carried the fear of what the next night would bring around with me all day. The intruding thoughts were hampering normal living and it felt like I was hypersensitive to any disruptions of my usual routine in the day--so much so that I created a whole sequence of tasks and requirements throughout the day in preparation for sleep. Luke stumbled upon the word, "micro-managing" sleep which resonated deeply. Letting this go was so freeing. Even after the first session, I noticed a difference in how much I was thinking about "sleep" during the day (much less). The next few sessions helped even more. I was finally starting to find more humor and enjoyment in my life and with my family. I looked forward to the actual sessions (online) where I could relax deeply and trust the process that Luke had laid out. He's incredibly skilled at structuring the suggestions that touch on all the necessary aspects of sleep — even if you're not aware of them (as I was sometimes not aware of my blind spots). I feel my sleep not only benefited but my confidence also increased. What a bonus! I highly recommend the services of Morpheus Clinic if you have experienced a similar issue to my own. And the healing continues--that's the Big Bonus.*I highly recommend the services of Morpheus Clinic— Suzy L.
All I can say is getting hypnotherapy for my anxiety caused by IBS has completely changed my life. After suffering for almost 10 years, I’m finally able to leave my house with confidence and I’m able to control my anxiety while travelling on public transit. After 4 sessions I won’t say I feel like a new person because what I actually feel like is the person I used to be before IBS took over my life.*Getting hypnotherapy for my anxiety caused by IBS has completely changed my life— Mitch B.
[My hypnotist] was very professional in his demeanor and took time to educate me on the basics of hypnosis and what to expect from my session prior to starting. He made sure I was comfortable before starting and asked my expectations from the session. I can't believe how well my body responded to the relaxation suggestion. His technique was flexible enough that [my hypnotist] was able to adjust to a challenge we encountered when following the regular protocol. I was unable to envision being a non-smoker for long term and when I expressed this to [my hypnotist] he was able to work with me on a new technique to help me get to the point where I COULD SEE MYSELF AS A NON-SMOKER! And I believed it when I declared "I am a non-smoker and will be for the rest of my life!" I believe that if you are willing to take the challenge to change anything you wish to change to better your life [my hypnotist] will be a great catalyst to help you get there! It has been two days since my session and I have not touched or even thought about having a cigarette and really can barely remember what that need/desire to smoke even felt like! It's really amazing what the mind can do with a little help! Thanks Devin your service has changed my life! I look forward to a healthier lifestyle free from the chains of smoking!*I can barely remember what the need/desire to smoke even felt like!— Kerri-Lee BensonProduct Design and Distribution, Toronto
I just want to say that I have no craving, no headaches or sinus pain after quitting cigarettes this time. I also feel much more relaxed/less anxious than I ever have. Do you know how many of us were raised by family and society where we grew up "to feel beneath or less than other people"? Well, I feel that sense of "being poorer/inferior" was lifted. I've spent a lifetime proving to myself that I'm just as good as others... and maybe even talented. Despite winning a lot of awards over my life and career, I never really "felt equal/worthy" before. This gives me some kind of peace/calmness that I never had before..... unless I got drunk or smoked etc. Thanks so much,*This gives me some kind of peace/calmness that I never had before— Alicia
I came across The Morpheus Clinic using a search on the internet. Having never tried hypnotherapy before, I was a little nervous about what it would feel like and whether it could help me. I had an initial 30 minute consultation with [my hypnotist] where I learnt a little about hypnotherapy, how the sessions would work and what I wanted to get out of them. After this meeting, I felt reassured that hypnotherapy could help and I booked my first appointment with [my hypnotist]. I found [my hypnotist] to be excellent, very friendly and caring along with an incredibly positive attitude which always put me at ease. During my next few sessions, I felt happier and more relaxed each time and left each session feeling as though I had been with a friend for an hour. I shared my worries with [my hypnotist] and I have been using the techniques that he taught me in my daily life to great effect, and I feel I can now look at life in a different way. I would highly recommend giving hypnotherapy a go, it makes you feel very calm, and feel that you can handle anything that has previously worried you. Thank you!*I found [my hypnotist] to be excellent, very friendly and caring along with an incredibly positive attitude— Emma B.
I'm no longer awakening in the morning with a feeling of dread. For the first time in my life I'm consistently waking up and actually looking forward to my day. What a fantastic gift you've given me. I'm experiencing so much more happiness and joy from just one session with you. You're REALLY good! I'm so grateful that our paths crossed.*For the first time in my life I’m consistently waking up and actually looking forward to my dayK.H.Toronto
I came to hypnosis curious to see how it could help me overcome my driving phobia. Working with [my hypnotist] was a real pleasure. He made me feel at ease and always explained what he was doing. During the hypnosis sessions, I was always aware of his presence and heard his guidance. This made me trust him and the process even more. The more I trusted, the more relaxed and safe I felt, and the quicker I was able to resolve my issue. I highly recommend hypnosis—and the Morpheus Clinic—for these reasons.*Working with [my hypnotist] was a real pleasure— June R.Toronto
Previously, I had worked with many hypnotists worldwide, with various level of results. Due to my experience with hypnosis, I had precise expectations about what I wanted to accomplished, which the other hypnotists have failed to hear. I was impressed by Luke’s approach, outstanding ability to listen and analysis of root causes. Luke is an expert hypnotist with a soft and pleasant voice that prompts you to trust him, relax and achieve desired results. Highly recommended!*Highly recommended!— Andy TsarBanker, Toronto
Pascal is an amazing person with a passion for helping others discover and uncover themselves. His voice is perfect for hypnosis as it evokes a sense of calm or serenity. I originally started working with Pascal to work on time management/procrastination and being hard on myself for not getting "it" all done at the end of the day. After only one session I could very noticeably feel the difference, and have continued to feel the difference. Pascal is able to tap straight into your programming, bypassing the logic/thinking brain, and getting to the heart of the issue. This allows for fundamental transformation, which I have received and continue to feel the benefit from. Pascal is very welcoming and very thorough in his evaluations and treatment plans. He takes the time to make sure you understand what is happening or going to happen, and that you feel 100% comfortable and safe at all times. I give my highest recommendation for Pascal to anyone who is looking into hypnosis, has "tried everything and nothing works," or would like to enjoy the benefits of profound inner transformation. It is truly life changing!*It is truly life changing!— Tara F.
I have suffered from nail biting all my life, as well as hair pulling and chewing for the past few years. Kate immediately made me feel comfortable and helped me stop these horrible habits. I am very pleased with the results and will definitely choose hypnosis for any future issues I encounter. Thank you very much Kate!*I am very pleased with the results and will definitely choose hypnosis for any future issues I encounter— A.P.
Luke, I want to let you know I am 13 lbs down! I am happy with my relationship with food now and am confident that I will continue to go down. Initially, I lost 4 lbs quickly when I stopped gorging myself at night! Then I had to get organized with my food. Now I am under control. I can choose what I want to eat and not. Before these sessions I felt like food was controlling me. Now I feel free! Previously when I was stressed, I would feel the need to eat. Now I feel like sleeping or relaxing in some way. It's so different. I will update you when I get 25 lbs down. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I am such a quick fix girl! Thanks for everything and I plan to see you in the fall for other stuff, abundance, organization, better parenting...*Now I am under control. I can choose what I want to eat and not. Before these sessions I felt like food was controlling me. Now I feel free!— Marjorie TullochToronto
Pascal made me realise my worth as a human being, my place in history and as a result showed me that I am perfectly able to choose for myself what I spend my valuable time on. Listening to him felt like a cozy, yet energetic pep talk. 100% recommended.*Pascal made me realise my worth as a human being— Daniel C.
On my journey of trying to conceive I hit a mental road block. I was willing to try anything, so upon a friend’s suggestion, I began my search in to hypnotherapy to get me in the right mindset. During my initial consult with [my hypnotist], I immediately felt at ease with the whole process and what it might entail. [My hypnotist] is a good person and hypnotherapist: warm, friendly and eager to help me address my mental blocks. We went in to great depth about issues that still plagued me, so I could be at ease, relaxed and happy about trying to conceive again. After only one session, I started to feel different, and by the third: other people were noticing the changes in me. I feel happier, and at peace with challenges that life has thrown my way and I have never felt this way before. Hypnotherapy has significantly impacted my life in a positive way. It has enabled me to move forward in to a new chapter in my life, feeling invigorated.*This has changed my outlook on life dramatically— Candace I.Toronto
2013 was to be the biggest year of my life. I was on the verge of finishing a doctoral thesis, just founded a start-up company with three other friends, and trying to finish the first draft on a novel I hoped to get published. However, given my crippling procrastination I just wasn’t sure how I could pull all three of these things off in the same year; I approached [my hypnotist] with the initial simple goal of establishing a good work habit with the help of hypnosis. Having tried hypnosis before with mixed results, what I found unique and immensely reassuring about [my hypnotist]’s approach was the time he devoted to really understanding the client’s issues, and their root causes. [My hypnotist] not only developed an excellent hypnosis routine that helped me overcome my procrastination, but also guided me to practical resources that helped me establish a solid work routine that has not failed since. Together, we created a blueprint for a new lifestyle that included new diet, exercise and rest routines to keep my functionality and creativity at their peak. Now, not only are my creative and analytical abilities better than ever, but even my health has improved. [My hypnotist]’s approach to self-improvement, while centred around hypnosis, is holistic, and encompasses diet, health, exercise and attitude adjustments. He has put me on a trajectory that will help me achieve wonders, and I remain immensely grateful to him.*Not only are my creative and analytical abilities better than ever, but even my health has improved— A.A.Toronto
I am so happy I found the Morpheus Clinic. I wanted to stop smoking which [my hypnotist] made possible. However, uncovering the reasons why I started smoking in the first place was a truly surprising reward with benefits I will reap for the rest of my life*— Michael S.
I came to Morpheus seeking a professional quality hypnotist and got what I was looking for. She was friendly and welcoming and I enjoyed my free consultation collaborating on an itinerary that worked for me. After just one session I found myself laughing more openly, looking at a brighter sky. I would highly recommend the Morpheus Clinic for Hypnosis.*After just one session I found myself laughing more openly, looking at a brighter sky— K. Tyrmerik
I thoroughly enjoyed my sessions with Kate and found her to be a warm, caring and understanding professional. I would not hesitate to contact The Morpheus Clinic again if needed and will recommend it to my friends*— A. ElliottToronto
Although my initial reason for visiting was specific to sports performance, I ended up with a longer list of issues that I decided to address. I've got one more appointment remaining in my five sessions, and have been very pleased to see the progress that I've made so far. Working with [my hypnotist] has been a revelatory and transformative process for me. The opportunity to quiet the conscious mind and access the root of my actions, beliefs and behaviours has shifted my perspective, and opened up new possibilities in my life.*Working with [my hypnotist] has been a revelatory and transformative process for me— L.G.Consultant, Toronto
I just wanted to send you a thank you note for the help you gave me recently. If you recall we were working on my fear of heights (specifically with ski lifts). Well, I went on my trip and it was amazing! There were virtually zero moments of anxiety during the entire trip (12 days), which included multiple ski resorts/chair lifts and 3 full days of Heliskiing. I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome, and I feel like this irrational fear has now been squashed for good. Thanks again for your help...it is really appreciated!— T.L. (Toronto)
Well ... It's been a week and I haven't had a cigarette .... though I still crave one at times. Seems to have worked. My hypnotist was engaging and professional. He explained the process and made me feel comfortable with it prior to beginning. Great experience and, happily, a successful one!*It's been a week and I haven't had a cigarette— Angi EaganToronto
When you're with Luke you feel very relaxed and comfortable. The money-back guarantee is unique. It really says something. I'm familiar with other practices, so this isn't new to me, I've done this type of therapy before. Having said that, Luke's the guy I've stuck to and chosen to return to, with all the experience I've had in the past. I'd definite recommend that anyone who wants to get past certain issues give Luke a call.*Luke’s the guy I’ve stuck to and chosen to return to— Yohan HamiltonEntrepreneur, Scarborough
Hey Luke, I never knew what being relaxed truly felt like before our sessions. I wasn't happy with my life and where it was headed, but with your guidance, you put the power in me to find my own answers. I have a totally different outlook on life now, and you kick-started that. Thank you, and keep helping people, because there is no greater power than in themselves.*I never knew what being relaxed truly felt like before our sessions— M.K.Professional Hockey Player
I have been an entrepreneur all of my life. From a very young age, I watched my parents spend countless hours away from home building their businesses. I never finished school and started my first company at 22 years old. 30 years later, I found myself in yet another business which brought decades of experience together into a demanding and potentially very rewarding opportunity. After a short time, I found myself procrastinating and struggling and thought I might benefit from some sessions of hypnotherapy. During our sessions, Luke brought the reasons for my procrastination to the surface. My subconscious, very clearly, was working at odds with my conscious. One side wanting success for me in my new venture, while the other side determinedly fought for control to keep me from achieving my potential. It seemed odd to me that this was happening, but upon peeling the onion back, Luke helped me clearly see how my experience with my parents, always seeming to be gone from home, created a deep block that divided my ability to take the steps necessary in this new venture and achieve the success I knew to be possible. Through this journey, I have discovered how my physical body has also been in conflict with my mind and they have continually fought for control. It seems so simple now that I look back and see the conflicts in both my physical and mental development and how certain key occurrences have shaped so much of my journey. To have the peace of mind and the level of success I have achieved since my sessions with Luke is rewarding financially, but on a much deeper level, truly life changing. I'll be forever grateful.*To have the peace of mind and the level of success I have achieved since my sessions with Luke is rewarding financially, but on a much deeper level, truly life changing— G.H.Toronto
The last session really did help! I'm remembering languages much better now. I've been able to tune out the distractions, and focus more on what I'm trying to learn. It's great!*— Audri C.Student, San Francisco, USA
In June 2010 my weight, blood sugar and pant size were way too high. I've been up and down the scales my whole life, but mostly up. Now, at the ragged end of middle age, I realized I had to make a change FAST if I wanted to get to retirement, let alone enjoy it. In July I went to the Morpheus Clinic on the recommendation of a friend. I am not an easy person to impress... my friends call me "Captain Cynic." At the Clinic, I met Kate Gardiner. She is a professional, bright, welcoming and unpretentious person, who listens well. She was able to quickly identify my goals and develop a therapy session tailored specifically to my needs. Kate made sure to fully explain and de-mystify the whole process. Sessions were comfortable and relaxing. What I can tell you (and I'd get on any soap box to proclaim this) is hypnotherapy worked for me immediately. After just one session, I felt strong and positive, even cheerful. Anyone can diet for a couple of days or a week, but it has been three months now and I have lost 20 pounds and 2 pants sizes. My blood sugar is well under control and I've even been able to reduce diabetic medications. I am just simply not as interested in food (especially bad foods) as I was. Nothing tastes better than thin.*What I can tell you (and I'd get on any soap box to proclaim this) is hypnotherapy worked for me immediately. After just one session, I felt strong and positive, even cheerful— Virginia A.
Working with Luke has been a great experience. His relaxed environment and nurturing approach allowed me to feel comfortable and ultimately reach the goals I hoped to achieve*— Garen BoyajianActor, Los Angeles
I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and looked forward to each session knowing that I would come out of each with a greater sense of peace and confidence in my own abilities. Kate Gardiner was wonderful and a very patient listener. The hypnotic suggestions have been extremely effective in allowing me to deal with my issues. I am glad I went through this process and would have no hesitation in recommending Kate and the Clinic to others who are struggling.*I would come out of each [session] with a greater sense of peace and confidence in my own abilities— CarolynToronto
The results for me were fantastic. I have turned stress into a tool and not my master. The techniques [they] taught me are now part of a daily mind routine that I do naturally wherever I am*— Glenn C.Costa Rica
I just wanted to drop you a note on how things have been going with Tess. It's been about a month now since she has last seen you. I would like to tell you that "thank you" is not a big enough word to express our appreciation for your help. Today, Tess is attending her second full day at an adult learning centre, with a new commitment and motivation in life to work at getting her high school diploma. Although she still struggles at times with some self defeating behaviours, she comes out of her negative state of mind much more rapidly lately and is finding a better way to deal with set backs. Her attitude in life is much more pleasant and she often says that she has never felt this way before -- she feels that her goals towards school and having a better quality of life is very strong now that she uses this often to lift her up when life hands her challenges. Tess is on a new journey, and with your help she has been discovering how strong and courages she really is. She is finding her real self, and is making better connections with life around her. I for one can tell you that from what I have witnessed -- your hypnosis sessions with Tess has catapulted her self esteem and her wellness several years ahead of the more traditional treatments. I can't thank you enough for your courage to help someone like Tess. You have in a very interesting way saved her and me from drowning from the constant onslaught of stress that comes with someone who suffers with emotional issues in life. Hypnosis works and it works very well. I wish that somewhere down the line there would be more therapists who would incorporate hypnosis to help those who need to find a better way in dealing with life. I have praised you much to people who have asked me about Tess -- and I give them your info if they request it. I wish you the best -- you have been the right person at the right time in her life that has shown her how good peace at heart can feel.*She is finding her real self, and is making better connections with life around her— V.P., Toronto
I made it through my catheterization procedure on Monday and was mostly calm; just normal nerves that everyone has going into the hospital. They gave me a sedative when they actually inserted the catheter and ran it up to the heart but it was mild. I was awake for everything and remarkably calm. When they gave me an IV, I was calm and I credit the hypnosis for that. I think just those two sessions really took away the massive fear I had of needles and now it's just in the normal range of nervousness. Thank you again for your help!*Two sessions really took away the massive fear I had of needles— Jason RudeToronto
I just had a couple minutes and decided I should at least make this attempt to let you know just how happy I've been with my latest session regarding my fear of "BUGS".I've been sharing with EVERYONE just how amazing our session wasLuke, I've been sharing with EVERYONE just how amazing our session was, that I felt it wouldn't be right if I didn't even share this with the man himself!
Without a single word of lie, the NEXT DAY after our very intimate session into my childhood memories for which I'll never understand HOW, I have to tell you, the NEXT DAY, while driving in my car to a client's place, a bug flew into my car and sat right on my driver's window STARING at me (I'm sure) in the most, what I can only describe as, taunting manner EVER.
BUT-- Unlike how I would normally INSTANTLY freak out, I actually EVER SO CALMLY, reached for a gas receipt I had in my center console and KILLED IT!! (MOOHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, boy did I feel like the King of the Junglebug world!!)
So, OK.
As impressed as I was with myself, I told myself not to get carried away, as that may have very well been beginner's luck.
NEXT DAY... in my god forsaken house (swear it's the hub of all evil *eh hem, centipedes and silver fish galore!), I was minding my own business in the kitchen and LOW AND BEHOLD my peripherals caught a glimpse of some ninja bug impeding on my territory.
WITHOUT hesitation, my IMMEDIATE thought was KILL IT.
I reached for the papers and rolled it up into a fat baton and took a huge swing at it.
The little bugger was lucky to have been so close to the ledge of the wall that I only managed to make him fall and of course the superbug flew off into the night to god knows where.
AND NORMALLY, I'd be freaking out because I knew it could be anywhere!! But I ended up returning back to my instant noodle making (how thrifty asian of me... huh?)
Two nights later, as I came home late from work (I leased a place in Woodbridge now that I work out of 95% of the time --with plans to make the mobile option obsolete sooner than later), I was unpacking my equipment and once again, my intuition felt some alien presence just way too close for comfort, and looked up and found likely the same bugger above me on the ceiling!
I'll admit, it DID CATCH ME OFF GUARD, for which I was like scared surprised for a split second, but I immediately ran to grab a shoe and WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAN!!!
I sent to him into the fast track line for reincarnation!! HA!!!
ANYWAY.... The point I'm making here is, this is ALL THANKS TO YOU.
I don't know what you did, never mind how, but you have truly helped me out so significantly, you don't even know. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
I've told your receptionist/office coordinator that my schedule has been insanely busy what with having hard launched myself. BUT--know that I will be returning soon for more refining! HAHA
In the meantime, I apologize for how unorthodox the format of this message appears, but I really couldn't justify a better way to exude my excitement than to write it as if I were there propped on your giant comfy couch expressing this to you in person!*
— Michelle S.W., Toronto
Before coming to the Morpheus Clinic I was skeptical about the benefits of hypnotherapy. I had tried hypnosis elsewhere some years before, but without results because of the one-size-fits-all methods of the hypnotist. The Morpheus difference lies in the preliminary no-charge consultation, where they look for the cause of the negative behaviour, and then customize and refine their approach to deal with the client's specific problem. After only a few sessions, the insights I have gained and the results obtained have been remarkable. I am still a skeptic about many things, but a firm believer in hypnotherapy as it is practised at the Morpheus Clinic.*After only a few sessions, the insights I have gained and the results obtained have been remarkable— T.R.Toronto
Keirsten is a very friendly and caring hypnotherapist. She is compassionate & professional and has an incredibly positive attitude that put me at ease right away after meeting her. She takes the time to listen and understand your concerns. In just 3 sessions, Keirsten has given me the tools that I need to ensure that I can handle anything. I came to Hypnosis to make ME a priority in my life...as a mom, a wife, a grandma and a daughter caring for an elderly parent I needed to make sure that I made good, healthy food choices and fitness a priority in my life. I need to be the BEST that I can be for myself and my family! I am truly thankful for this experience and highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for alternative treatments for their personal challenges and concerns. You will not be sorry that you called Keirsten @ The Morpheus Clinic.*I am truly thankful for this experience— Karen D.
[My hypnotist] listens, is very insightful, experienced, encouraging and connects. He impressed me the most in my research for a hypnotherapist. I was able to cover a lot of ground in the 5 sessions. I was excited to see the manifestations after each session….. there were a great many. I got to feel more authentic within myself, connected to others and handle difficult situations much more easily, even with humour. I’m working and living much smarter, because I’ve been able to get out of my own way. I’ve taken up the piano again after stopping for awhile and am pleasantly shocked. Things that were giving me difficulty are coming along so much quicker. I’m even back to composing. Great working with you!!*[My hypnotist] listens, is very insightful, experienced, encouraging and connects— Paul G.Toronto
I just wanted to drop a line of thanks for the session. It was great of you to outline the session expectations before we got started. I must admit that the session was not what I expected, but I left feeling great. My anxiety with elevators, bridges, and yes, airplanes! has completely disappeared. It was impressive to undergo the realization of where the anxiety stemmed from, but at the same time, I will say that the session has definitely affected other issues in my life that may have came from the same problem (ie, mistrust of some people/situations). Many thanks again - you have made a difference - in only one session!!*My anxiety with elevators, bridges, and yes, airplanes! has completely disappeared— LynnNurse Practitioner, Toronto
I came to the Morpheus Clinic with no expectations. I came with an open mind figuring nothing ventured, nothing gained. I wanted to get help with quitting smoking. My goal has been accomplished and I am proud to say that today I am a non-smoker. I had the pleasure of having Keirsten as my hypnotist. She was very professional, friendly and courteous. Keirsten and the hypnosis process was more that I could have asked for.*My goal has been accomplished— Richard D.
* The ideal results described on this site, including testimonials, represent the outcome of an ideal client. Your results might be different, and will depend on your hypnotic suggestibility, motivation to change, past history, and many other factors that are not in our control. In addition, our work as hypnotherapists is not medical care, psychotherapy or psychological advice.